Monthly Archives: November 2022

in this part we will deal with big areas lamination works , this is going to be a quite long chapter ! In modern wood & epoxy constructions there is sometimes the need to laminate a whole big area with glass fabric , normally hull or deck/cockpit surfaces or both; […]

Unveiling the esoteric secrets of epoxy resin works. /PART 5

This is the fourth part of the tips and tricks selection to manage easily your epoxy works ; in this chapter we will focus on glass taping works glass fabric strengthening works : here we will talk about all that glass fabric works which aims to strengthen the structural joints, […]

Unveiling the esoteric secrets of epoxy resin works. /PART 4

This is the third part of the tips and tricks selection to manage easily your epoxy works , here we will talk about using thickened resin to make bondings and the so called “liquid joinery” that is to say make thickened resin radiuses to strengthen joints Bonding with thickened resin […]

Unveiling the esoteric secrets of epoxy resin works. /PART 3

This is the second part of the tips and tricks selection to manage easily your epoxy works ; here we will focus on how to handle the resin properly , which is quite a nightmare when start to work with resin for a medium sized project resin is messy, but […]

Unveiling the esoteric secrets of epoxy resin works. /PART 2

One of the most common fear of newbie boatbuilders involved in our projects is related to the use of epoxy resins and glass fabrics. Since this is a very important part of our projects to achieve a strong, light and long lasting boat, we will give some tick and trips […]

Unveiling the esoteric secrets of epoxy resin works. /PART 1