Monthly Archives: October 2016

In my last post on this blog I wrote about stability on sailboats, how does it changes with different hull shapes and different center of gravity shifitng, we pointed our attention on stability curves, their meaning and limits Now let’s make several steps in a completely different world , making […]

Stability and foils on IMOCA sailboats

questo è il primo post in italiano del mio blog, che normalmente è in inglese , buona lettura ! Nell’ultimo post del blog abbiamo parlato di stabilità per le barche a vela, come varia al variare delle forme di scafo e della posizione del baricentro, abbiamo visto che significato hanno […]

Stabilità e foils sui nuovi IMOCA ocean racer

Several persons recently asked me stability curves of some of my projects , I e-mailed them the curves and the conditions in which they were calculated and several comments on them; in this post I will do a brief summing up of: what’s stability in a boat and how we […]

Boat Stability for dummies

Engine for small sailboats : how to choose it part two in the first part of this topic we pointed our attention on a general description of the three main engine categories (diesel inboard, gasoline outboard, electric engines, both inboard and outboard), and then we examined them form the costs […]

Engine for small sailboats , part two